Dear friends,
It is our duty, and especially to the institutions that we represent, to identify and express our honors and the gratitude to the personalities, scholars and activists who defended fair issues and causes.
One of them is Prof. Dr. Branisllav Sinadinovski, about whom I was informed that he had passed away. Professor Sinadinovski is known to the public for his courage in reconfirming his Orthodox Albanian identity originating from Upper Reka (Reka e Epërme).
As a university that is focused on the study, cultivation, protection of language, history, and Albanian culture, we have developed a fruitful cooperation with Prof. Dr. Branisllav Sinadinovski and we have supported the publication of the book “Shqiptarët ortodoksë në Republikën e Maqedonisë”, a study with high historical and social values, which provides indisputable evidence on a very sensitive issue such as that of Orthodox Albanians in North Macedonia. Through this publication, he left behind several years of research on this part of the Albanian people, who like the rest of the Albanians throughout history, have faced many difficulties.
Until his death, Professor Sinadinovski, defended the cause for which he believed that the Orthodox Albanians in our country and in other countries are autochthonous people who speak the Albanian language, and as such are an inseparable part of the entirety of the Albanian people.
He took with him the “hostage” of the (non) foundation of the Albanian Orthodox Church and the holding of Mass in the Albanian language, therefore it remains in the duty of other scholars to achieve this major goal.
We are deeply grateful for his valuable contribution in clarifying the truth about our Orthodox compatriots and at the same time we express our condolences to his family, friends, colleagues, and the entire Albanian Orthodox community.
Rest in peace!
Rector of the University of Tetova
Prof. Dr. Vullnet Ameti