Rector of the University of Tetova, Prof. Dr. Kushtrim Ahmeti, along with the Vice -Rector for International Cooperation, Prof. Dr. Shefik Shehu and the Director of the Technology Park, MSc. Artina Kamberi received the Director of the Company of Alpak – Eco Ltd Skopje, Mr. Fatmir Ejub and his associate, Mr. Besnik Ademi.

The purpose of this meeting was to sign the memorandum for cooperation where the parties have common interests in the exchange of scientific – professional experiences and knowledge; the preparation of joint programs for scientific – professional training and advancement of engineering – technical staff; Preparation of joint projects for education in the field of waste management and other activities in the field of environment, funded by Alpak-EKO Ltd Skopje and implemented by academic staff and students of the University of Tetova.

Among other things, the agreement stipulates that the parties will conduct and organize professional scientific conferences, seminars, roundtables, workshops, summer schools and other schools. Also, special importance will be given to cooperation in the field of educational programs and practical work for undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral study cycles.