Rector of the University of Tetova, Prof. Dr. Jusuf Zejneli, President of the Senate, Prof. Dr. Vullnet Ameti, Dean of the Faculty of Physical Education, Prof. Dr. Shpresa Memishi organized a special reception for special Olympic champion Agron Hajredini and his coaches Ifraim Luta and assistant coach Elmedin Mustafa.

The athlete Agron Hajredini in the Special Olympic World Games, for people with special abilities, which were held in Berlin, Germany, managed to be declared Olympic champion, where he also won the gold medal in athletics in the long jump category of 1.60 cm.

Initially, the Rector of the University of Tetova, Prof. Dr. Jusuf Zejneli congratulated them for the success they have achieved in the Special Olympics World. He said that the athlete Agron Hajredini should be an example for all the rest of us on how to be engaged and dedicated to reach the heights of success. His success is motivating for Agron himself, it is also an additional motivation for his coaches, but also for the rest of us who bear public responsibilities.

While the President of the Senate, Prof. Dr. Vullnet Ameti said that Agron, with his victory in this Olympiad, has not only written his name in the history of this sport, but has also honored us as a society and as a state. Therefore, we as an institution will always be open to help the people who with their works make us all proud.

Meanwhile, the athlete Agron Hajredini and his coach Ifraim Luta thanked the leaders of the University of Tetova for the opportunity and continuous support they have given them, especially in the use of the sports ground of the University of Tetova, whenever they needed.

More than 7,000 athletes from 190 different countries of the world participated in the Special Olympic World Games, while as a sign of respect for the success achieved in these competitions, the leaders of the UT, to the athlete Agron Hajredini and his coaches were bestowed some symbolic gifts.