Faculty of Medical Sciences of the University of Tetova published the Public Announcement for the submission of candidates for enrollment or approval of the specializations of health professionals with higher education in the field of medicine and health associates with higher education for the year 2023.
In the call for specialist and subspecialist study programs, can apply health care workers with higher education, in the field of medicine and in the specialization programs: Pediatrics, Urological Surgery, Cardiology, Internal Medicine, Psychiatry, Gynecology and Obstetrics, as well as General surgery. Also, in the above-mentioned call have the right to apply, health workers, i.e. health workers employed in private institutions, other legal entities and unemployed, also in the specialist study programs: Pediatrics, Urological Surgery, Cardiology, Internal Medicine, Psychiatry, Gynecology and Obstetrics, General Surgery and Family Medicine.
The request for the approval of the specializations together with the complete documentation is submitted by the public health institution where the health worker is employed, i.e. the health worker, the private health institution where the health worker is employed, or by the unemployed health worker, in accordance with the provisions of the Law on health care and the Regulation on the specializations and sub specialization of health workers and health associates, with higher education in the field of medicine, at the latest within 30 days from the day of publication of the Announcement (April 09, 2023), in the archive of the Faculty of Medical Sciences at the University of Tetova.
Additional information on the documents required for the registration of candidates for specialization, employed at PHI, other legal entities, as well as unemployed persons can be found in the following link: https://staging2.unite.edu.mk/konkurs- for-specialist-and-subspecialist branches/