Happy Eid al-Adha!

On behalf of the students, academic staff and the administrative staff at the University of Tetova, I wish all members of the Islamic faith a happy Eid al-Adha. May this holiday motivate us to strengthen our faith, to achieve high human goals and piety, to [...]

2021-08-23T15:10:17+02:00August 23, 2021|

Rector of UT, Prof. Dr. Vullnet Ameti, met with the Rector of the Academy of Albanological Studies from the Republic of Albania, the Academic Prof. Dr. Marenglen Verli

Rector of the Academy of Albanological Studies from the Republic of Albania, Academic Prof. Dr. Marenglen Verli, and the Academic Prof. Dr. Beqir Meta visited the University of Tetova. The visits of the leaders of educational-scientific institutions from Albania at UT confirm [...]

2021-07-01T13:09:49+02:00July 01, 2021|
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