The President of the Republic of Kosovo, Her Excellency Vjosa Osmani, stayed at the University of Tetova for an official visit. In the square in front of the statue of the founder and the first and historical Rector of the University of Tetova, Prof. Dr. Fadil Sulejmani, it was received by a large number of students and lecturers. Her presence at our University, in addition to honoring the students, the academic community and the administrative staff, honored all the Albanians of this region, for whom the founding of the University of Tetova and its history over the years has been their greatest sublime sacrifice.

The President of the Republic of Kosovo, Vjosa Osmani, during her stay at the University of Tetova held a meeting with the Rector of the University of Tetova, Prof. Dr. Kushtrim Ahmeti, President of the Senate, Prof. Dr. Vullnet Ameti and other leaders, while afterwards, in the Amphitheater “Sevasti and Parashqevi Qiriazi”, in front of students and professors, she held a lecture on the topic: “Regional political and security challenges”.

Rector of the University of Tetova, Prof. Dr. Kushtrim Ahmeti, in his speech, said that the visit of the President of the Republic of Kosovo, Her Excellency Vjosa Osmani to UT, is evidence that she dedicates herself to education and the role that our university is playing in building a brighter future for our region. “As long as we talk about challenges and vicissitudes, we never forget the stability, strength and determination of our people. UT keeps burning the beacon that illuminates the sacred work and sacrifice of all our martyrs, martyrs of freedom and knowledge. University of Tetova has continuously made efforts to pursue the general objective of addressing these topics with experts in the relevant fields through various scientific activities. Therefore, the presence of influential personalities from the academic and political world, in the treatment and discussion of such topics, is undoubtedly an added value for the University of Tetova. As an institution of higher learning, we are committed to nurturing ties between our people on both sides of the border and promoting peace, stability and prosperity in this region. We believe that education is the key for building a brighter future for everyone and we are proud to play this role with dignity for three consecutive decades”, emphasized the Rector of the UT, Prof. Dr. Kushtrim Ahmeti.

“Regional political and security challenges” was the topic of the lecture of the President Vjosa Osmani. As for the importance and role that universities have in various processes, political, diplomatic, economic, strategic, security and others, at the national level, she declared that the University of Tetova together with the University of Pristina have been guides to extraordinary political changes in our countries. “In these Universities, not only intellectuals were formed, but was formed something more powerful than knowledge and intellectuals, was formed the ideal, the ideal which is still alive today among Albanians, and wherever we go around the world, in universities of free and developed states, we mention one thing, that for us as Albanians, the right to education is never taken for granted. Each of us, who have come today, have been educated in a system where we were denied the right to education, we had to go to school houses, our professors were beaten, imprisoned and killed, just because they wanted to spread knowledge and were denied any other basic right and freedom for more than a decade that then culminated in our liberation war. So for us it was never just education, it was education and the ideal, an ideal through which we ensured that we survived a regime so brutal that it has rarely been known anywhere else in human history. And through education, today when we are free, when the opportunities are up to the sky, through education I am convinced that our countries will lead them to the top, that we will make sure that we show the world that our youth is exceptional, that in the moment they have an opportunity they shine and that’s exactly why our future is bright”, said among others the President of the Republic of Kosovo, Vjosa Osmani. After the lecture, she held a conversation with our students regarding the liberalization of visas, the vote for Kosovo’s admission to the Council of Europe, as well as the process against the former leaders of the KLA in the Hague.

At the end of the meeting, the President of the Republic of Kosovo from the Rector Prof. Dr. Kushtrim Ahmeti accepted the portrait of the founder and the first Rector of UT, Prof. Dr. Fadil Sulejmani, while the President of the Senate Prof. Dr. Vullnet Ameti bestowed to her the Monograph of the University of Tetova, along with several other scientific publications of the University of Tetova, among which the author’s book, Prof. Dr. Nusret Pllana titled: ” Terror of invading Serbia over Albanians, 1844-1999.

The visits of high state officials to the University of Tetova, from the region and the international arena, confirm the reputation that our institution appreciates not only in academic circles, but also among influential authorities in social life.